- Set up a web catalog and drive traffic to it.
- Build and manage an email list with offers.
- Set up a Facebook page and post offers to your Facebook stream.
- Insert offers into Twitter posts.
As if these weren't enough to worry about, now Google has released new versions of Google+ for the web, Android, iPad and iPhone. These are now roughly equivalent in functionality, which means you can easily post or broadcast from anywhere, anytime.
Google+ is a different beast for Sellers. When you create a Facebook "friend", they "accept" you and it's a two-way connection. Google is more like Twitter in that you can "follow" anyone and they can "follow" you by "adding" you to their "circles". So, the goal is to be in as many circles as possible. Then, when you post something it will appear in the stream of the people who are following you.
Here is a very quick tutorial from the Traffic Generation Cafe. And Forbes ran an article and video of an artist using Google+ exclusively as their marketing vehicle.

We think it's possible to build businesses around Google+. Of course, Bitmenu links format nicely within Google+ posts!