Thursday, July 21, 2011

Facebook app lists anything from Amazon

We use Facebook a lot, so we released a cool little app that might be useful to anyone with a Page.

We call it "Amazon Booklist" (click or search for it when you are in Facebook).

Here's the idea:'s pages hold many items we would gladly recommend to friends on Facebook but there is no easy way to list them.

Here's all you have to do:  See the "Add to My Page" link at the bottom left corner of the picture?  Click that and install the app to any Facebook Page you have Admin privileges for.  You have to be signed into your Facebook account to see the link.

Then, you can populate a listing of products simply by pasting in their URLs.  Oh, and Bitmenu URLs display offer information just as well.  So, this app doubles as an easy way for Bitmenu publishers to promote through the world's largest social network.